Alexis Neiers, Meet Emma Watson's Bling Ring Character
Why, thank you Emma Watson, we had never formally met.
We've already witnessed the former Harry Potter star take on a new, different role for the upcoming Sofia Coppola-directed film Bling Ring, but being the well-mannered Brit actress she is, Watson properly introduced us to her character on Twitter.
"Twitterers meet Nicki, Nicki meet twitterers : )," she wrote.
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But we really wanted to know more about this Nicki characterwho, judging by her facial expression, seems like a peachso luckily, Watson offers up some more insight.
"Nicki likes Lip Gloss, Purses, Yoga, Pole Dancing, Uggs, Louboutins, Juice Cleanses, Iced coffee and Tattoos."
She sounds like one-of-a-kind.
Bling Ring is based on the infamous group of L.A. teenagers (including former E! reality star Alexis Neiers) who made headlines not too long ago for burglarizing the homes of celebs, including Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.