Emma Watson film Noah halted while Hurricane Sandy ravages New York
The upcoming film of Noah might be about a strapping, bearded Russell Crowe building a big ark to save the world from apocalypse, but unfortunately it is a fictional film. And Russell Crowe couldn't ever quite build a boat for every single person affected by Hurricane Sandy to avoid the floods in. Instead, as well as much of Manhattan and other flood-prone areas grinding to a halt, production of the upcoming blockbuster had to take a few days off - leaving the likes of Russell, Emma Watson , Ray Winstone and Heat favourite Douglas Booth, who are all starring in thefilm,twiddling their thumbson Twitter, that is. Emmatweeted: "I take it that the irony of a massive storm holding up the production of Noah is not lost @DarrenAronofsky@russellcrowe @MattyLibatique" Emma Watson looking lovely (Those people she also tweeted were Darren Aronofsky, the director of Noah - he previously directed Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman in Black Swan - and Matthew Libatique, a cinematographe...